Mobile Triggers

"Something I didn't realize ... is the network that you are going to have for the rest of your life.
I now have friends all across the country I can always reach out to."

-Nicole Sandrik-Arzadi, '22



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Whether it is making a gift to The Wardlaw+Hartridge Fund or mentoring a current student, giving back to W+H is easy.  Use our online giving form linked below to make a gift to your alma mater.

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"Alumni networks are one of the least talked about but most helpful career development tools," according to the Association of Talent Development. Networking with your fellow alumni has benefits for a lifetime.

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Notable W+H Alumni

The most dangerous phrase in our language is we've always done it this way.

- Grace Hopper,  Hartridge Class of 1927, U.S. Navy Rear Admiral, Computer Scientist

This is a task of tremendous importance. Somehow, we must restore confidence, honor and integrity in government."

- Archibald Cox,  Wardlaw Class of 1924, Former U.S. Solicitor General



2024 Alumni Awards Ceremony Honorees

2023 Alumni Awards Ceremony Honorees

Distinguished Faculty Award: 

Sue Howard
Art Teacher 1979-2020

Athletic Hall of Fame: 

Gil Childers
class of 1973

Athletic Hall of Fame: 

Keith Mann
Class of 2003

Athletic Hall of Fame: 

1971 Boys Basketball Team

1984 girls basketball team


Greetings from Head of School Dr. Corinna Crafton



W+H Alumni Resources