Global Scholars Program
The Wardlaw-Hartridge Global Scholars Program offers an opportunity for our Upper School students to enhance their experience as a student in our community, and to engage more fully in the world beyond the walls of the school building. Students may elect to become a candidate in the Global Scholars Program at the end of their Ninth Grade year. Through required courses, a commitment to studying a foreign language for four years, regular year round engagement in service, and cross cultural experiences, students craft a program unique to their interests and aspirations. The culmination of the Global Scholars Program is the Senior Research Seminar: Capstone. This year long course tasks students with investigating a global issue of their choice, using scholarly research to analyze their selected topic. Students produce and publish a comprehensive thesis, and present their original works and findings to members of the Upper School faculty as well as their peers. The presentation is judged by a panel, and the student is required to provide informed responses to the members of the school community in attendance.
Students in the Global Scholars Program are provided exclusive and unique opportunities to learn from guest speakers in the field of global studies and global education, attend field trips and workshops, and to connect locally with service organizations with whom Wardlaw-Hartridge has cultivated mutually beneficial and impactful relationships. Many of the Global Scholar Candidates develop a strong commitment to specific areas of service outreach during their time, some continuing their efforts after graduation and while in college. Our Global Scholars graduates often note that their service experiences and opportunities to travel through school sponsored cross cultural experiences have been a primary highlight of their time in Upper School. Travel opportunities are planned and provided through the Director of Global Experiences. In recent years, students have travelled to China, Spain, the US/Mexican border, and Peru.
We provide thoughtful and strategic ways for students to
participate in activities, many personal in nature.
We challenge them not only to engage in service learning,
but to dig deep into the issues that affect their world and draw their own conclusions and propose their own solutions.-Dr. Robert Bowman
Head of Upper School
Global Scholars Program Requirements
The Wardlaw+Hartridge School's Global Scholars Program (GSP) is designed for students who are interested in learning about current international challenges while developing an understanding of global stewardship. Students who elect this program of study will earn an endorsement on their Wardlaw+Hartridge diploma after completing requirements within each of the following strands:
- Cross-Cultural Experience
- Service Learning
- Specialized Global Coursework
- Research Seminar: Capstone
- World Language Competency
- Local Community Participation
- Senior Spotlight