Early Childhood Enrichment Program
Early Childhood students benefit from enrichment programming specifically tailored to their ages and developmental needs. Courses such as Little Yogis, Junior Robotics, Beginners Basketball, and Story Time Chess are offered after the school day ends as a complement to the regular program. Each season, classes are paired as one physically active class and one cognitively stimulating class. This pairing is created with the developmental needs of Early Childhood students in mind.
*Due to COVID-19, this program is temporarily suspended. Stay tuned for additional information regarding after school programs.
The Early Childhood Enrichment Program included enrichment classes for students in Pre-Kindergarten, Junior Kindergarten, and Kindergarten Mondays through Thursdays after school. This program is all inclusive with a fee for the entire year or by the season. Classes change by season (Fall, Winter & Spring.) Students enrolled in the Early Childhood Enrichment Package are enrolled in both classes for the six-week season session.