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Students Lead Assemblies to Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month

Rudy Brandl

Assemblies and meetings in all three divisions featured student presentations celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month in the Berry Performing Arts Center.

In Lower School, Spanish teacher Sra. Maria Hinestroza and students from various grades led an entertaining assembly for the students faculty and parents. Students in the third grade class of Ms. Katherine Heiss led the Lower School student body by reciting the affirmations in Spanish, connecting to the focus on kindness expressed in the assembly introduction by Ms. Erin Leonard, Lower School Head. The affirmations ended with the entire Lower School exclaiming, “Somos Wardlaw+Hartridge!”

The fourth grade class of Mrs. Donna Pedde took the stage next and presented the Spanish-speaking countries and encouraged audience members to stand when their country was named. Four Lower School students followed by sharing items that represent their family’s Hispanic Heritage: Ayaan Fisco-Rivers ’32, James Pacheco ’33, Jaiden Thompson ’33 and Mackenzie Belford ’32.

Members of the Upper School’s Hispanic Latinx Alliance (HLA) shared a presentation at the Middle School community meeting. HLA leaders Luca DiGirolamo ’25, Liany Maldonado ‘25 and Giannalise Rodriguez ’26 celebrated the Rhythm of Hispanic Heritage Month by providing information about traditional Latin music and dance. They discussed various genres of music and dance and highlighted famous Hispanic entertainers.

Earlier in the week at the Upper School meeting, Julia Machado ’25 and Giannalise Rodriguez ’26 shared a presentation titled Dances in Hispanic Culture. They explored types of dances, why dance is important and shared a video highlighting bachata, a popular Latin dance that originated in the Dominican Republic.