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Private Music Lesson Program Students Share Talents at Recital

Rudy Brandl

W+H students enrolled in the Private Music Lesson Program provided a wonderful afternoon of entertainment at their Winter Recital on Saturday, January 25 in the Berry Performing Arts Center. The event featured vocal and instrumental performers who dedicate extra time after school to honing their skills.

Students from all three divisions participated. Vocal performers included Ishani Shah ’26, Victoria Diaz ’27, Emily O’Neill ’27, Sanjana Bhardwaj ’29, Aanya Chaturvedi ’29, Anika Kumar ’29, Geeta Kumar ’29, Krishna Kumar ’29, Isabella Paredes ’29, Arika Shah ’29, Anika Patchigolla ’31, Aneri Kumar ’32 and Rashmin Samant ’33. Instrumental pieces were performed by Anuska Patchigolla ’27, Tawanda Sibanda ’27 and Sebastian Lawson ’29 on clarinet, and Samay Jain ’31 on alto saxophone.

The performers received certificates and gathered on the stage for a group photo before joining their families and other guests for a reception prepared by Sage Dining Services.